I am not sure where this post will go, or if I will end up publishing it. My thoughts are everywhere right now. It is turning into FALL weather, and this makes my heart happy. There is something so comforting/cozy about Fall. I just finished taking a long walk with the pup (his favorite thing in this life). There was just a hint of chill in the air but I am in love. It was good for me to get out, to take some time to think and process and decompress.
The school year is back in full swing, and therefore so is my emotions and stress level. I love my students. I really do have a fun crew this year. Teaching definitely has it's ups and downs. There is many a day that I long for June. Working full time makes me absolutely relish in the days that I have a chunk of time to piddle around my house and believe it or not...clean. So weird right? Never thought I would be like that (my mom could attest to this) , but when I am feeling overwhelmed, one of the best ways for me to recharge is to have a day to myself piddling around catching up on laundry, straightening up the clutter from the busy week and sitting down to the smells of a clean house. (release deep sigh here). My home is my safe haven. My husband is my sanity. He has been so good to me as I adjust getting back into the swing of things.
I continue to work on being fully conscious of God's leading throughout my day. Right now, I feel like I am leaning on Him pretty heavily but still digging my heals in, in some areas. So much seems up in the air right now. With uncertainty comes doubt, and a "whoa -is -me" mentality. I am making it a point to have an ongoing honest conversation with Him throughout the day. I find myself repeating "Whatever is true, whatever is true, whatever is true"....to keep myself from allowing my mind to wander in thoughts that are not of Him. I know He's here. I know He's close. I don't know what in the world he is conjuring up, but I am thankful for the time I had tonight talking with Him on our walk tonight. Here's to taking deep breaths, letting the fresh chilly air in, and enjoying my first hot chocolate of the season.
Whole lot o' rambling...Happy Fall ya'll.