Number two: That may be because the reason I created this blog was in hopes of recording our journey into parenthood. No such luck this far.
Confession number three: I am NOT good at waiting.
I am daily learning to lean upon the plan God has for our lives. God has not yet given me a reason to give up the wish of becoming parents, but here we are months and months and still waiting...
There are days that I am very much at peace with this. Like I said, I know God has a plan, and ultimately in my heart I don't want this whole parenthood thing to start a second before God wills it to do so, but there is another corner of my heart that longs to be a mama.
Babies are everywhere! Hubby and I are in that season of our lives where our friends are bringing one bundle after another into our world. I am beyond happy for all of them. I thoroughly enjoy loving on these babies and watching them grow. I also am longing for nights of my own of getting no sleep because my baby needs to be fed, or cuddled (which if you know how much I love sleep, you know how crazy of a statement this is for me). I am longing for days to plan, and
Right now, I am counting my blessings that God has given me. I refuse to not live the life I have now, waiting for a baby. Let me tell you, that is so easy to do. To become so focused at planning for a child and let life fly right by. I know we are in this waiting season for a reason. So until then I keep praying for God's Will, and to be okay and happy in that Will whatever that might be.
Just to save this post from being a downer. I leave you with a few of my blessings.
My Love
My current baby :)